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systemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups, maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. systemd supports SysV and LSB init scripts and works as a replacement for sysvinit. Other parts include a logging daemon, utilities to control basic system configuration like the hostname, date, locale, maintain a list of logged-in users and running containers and virtual machines, system accounts, runtime directories and settings, and daemons to manage simple network configuration, network time synchronization, log forwarding, and name resolution.

Historically, what systemd calls "service" was named daemon: any program that runs as a "background" process (without a terminal or user interface), commonly waiting for events to occur and offering services. A good example is a web server that waits for a request to deliver a page, or an ssh server waiting for someone trying to log in. While these are full featured applications, there are daemons whose work is not that visible. Daemons are for tasks like writing messages into a log file (e.g. syslog, metalog) or keeping your system time accurate (e.g. ntpd). For more information see daemon(7).

Note: For a detailed explanation of why Arch moved to systemd, see this forum post.

Basic systemctl usage

The main command used to introspect and control systemd is systemctl. Some of its uses are examining the system state and managing the system and services. See systemctl(1) for more details.

  • You can use all of the following systemctl commands with the -H user@host switch to control a systemd instance on a remote machine. This will use SSH to connect to the remote systemd instance.
  • Plasma users can install systemdgenie as a graphical frontend for systemctl. After installing, the module will be added under System.

Using units

Units commonly include, but are not limited to, services (.service), mount points (.mount), devices (.device) and sockets (.socket).

When using systemctl, you generally have to specify the complete name of the unit file, including its suffix, for example sshd.socket. There are however a few short forms when specifying the unit in the following systemctl commands

  • If you do not specify the suffix, systemctl will assume .service. For example, netctl and netctl.service are equivalent.
  • Mount points will automatically be translated into the appropriate .mount unit. For example, specifying /home is equivalent to home.mount.
  • Similar to mount points, devices are automatically translated into the appropriate .device unit, therefore specifying /dev/sda2 is equivalent to dev-sda2.device.

See systemd.unit(5) for details.

Note: Some unit names contain an @ sign (e.g. name@string.service): this means that they are instances of a template unit, whose actual file name does not contain the string part (e.g. name@.service). string is called the instance identifier, and is similar to an argument that is passed to the template unit when called with the systemctl command: in the unit file it will substitute the %i specifier. To be more accurate, before trying to instantiate the name@.suffix template unit, systemd will actually look for a unit with the exact name@string.suffix file name, although by convention such a "clash" happens rarely, i.e. most unit files containing an @ sign are meant to be templates. Also, if a template unit is called without an instance identifier, it will generally fail (except with certain systemctl commands, like cat).

The commands in the below table operate on system units since --system is the implied default for systemctl. To instead operate on user units (for the calling user), use systemctl --user without root privileges. See also systemd/User#Basic setup to enable/disable user units for all users.

  • Most commands also work if multiple units are specified, see systemctl(1) for more information.
  • The --now switch can be used in conjunction with enable, disable, and mask to respectively start, stop, or mask the unit immediately rather than after rebooting.
  • A package may offer units for different purposes. If you just installed a package, pacman -Qql package | grep -Fe .service -e .socket can be used to check and find them.
  • When available, enabling unit.socket instead of unit.service might be beneficial because the socket would start the service when necessary. See #Socket activation for more details.
Action Command Note
Analyzing the system state
Show system status systemctl status
List running units systemctl or
systemctl list-units
List failed units systemctl --failed
List installed unit files1 systemctl list-unit-files
Show process status for a PID systemctl status pid cgroup slice, memory and parent
Checking the unit status
Show a manual page associated with a unit systemctl help unit as supported by the unit
Status of a unit systemctl status unit including whether it is running or not
Check whether a unit is enabled systemctl is-enabled unit
Starting, restarting, reloading a unit
Start a unit immediately systemctl start unit as root
Stop a unit immediately systemctl stop unit as root
Restart a unit systemctl restart unit as root
Reload a unit and its configuration systemctl reload unit as root
Reload systemd manager configuration2 systemctl daemon-reload as root scan for new or changed units
Enabling a unit
Enable a unit to start automatically at boot systemctl enable unit as root
Enable a unit to start automatically at boot and start it immediately systemctl enable --now unit as root
Disable a unit to no longer start at boot systemctl disable unit as root
Reenable a unit3 systemctl reenable unit as root i.e. disable and enable anew
Masking a unit
Mask a unit to make it impossible to start4 systemctl mask unit as root
Unmask a unit systemctl unmask unit as root
  1. See systemd.unit(5) § UNIT FILE LOAD PATH for the directories where available unit files can be found.
  2. This does not ask the changed units to reload their own configurations (see the Reload action).
  3. For example, in case its [Install] section has changed since last enabling it.
  4. Both manually and as a dependency, which makes masking dangerous. Check for existing masked units with
    $ systemctl list-unit-files --state=masked

Power management

polkit is necessary for power management as an unprivileged user. If you are in a local systemd-logind user session and no other session is active, the following commands will work without root privileges. If not (for example, because another user is logged into a tty), systemd will automatically ask you for the root password.

Action Command
Shut down and reboot the system systemctl reboot
Shut down and power-off the system systemctl poweroff
Suspend the system systemctl suspend
Put the system into hibernation (write RAM to disk) systemctl hibernate
Put the system into hybrid-sleep state (also called suspend-to-both, it saves RAM to disk and then suspends) systemctl hybrid-sleep
First suspend the system, then wake up after a configured time in order to just hibernate the system systemctl suspend-then-hibernate
Perform a reboot of the userspace-only with a #Soft reboot. systemctl soft-reboot

Soft reboot

Soft reboot is a special kind of a userspace-only reboot operation that does not involve the kernel. It is implemented by systemd-soft-reboot.service(8) and can be invoked through systemctl soft-reboot. As with kexec, it skips firmware re-initialization, but additionally the system does not go through kernel initialization and initramfs, and unlocked dm-crypt devices remain attached.

When /run/nextroot/ contains a valid root file system hierarchy (e.g. is the root mount of another distribution or another snapshot), soft-reboot would switch the system root into it, allowing for switching to another installation without losing states managed by kernel, e.g. networking.

Tip: /run/nextroot/ is not necessarily a mount point or backed by physical device. For example, it can reside in the /run/ tmpfs. systemd will turn /run/nextroot/ automatically into a mount point on soft-reboot.
Note: Do not invoke systemctl soft-reboot after package updates that involved the kernel and initramfs.

Writing unit files

The syntax of systemd's unit files (systemd.unit(5)) is inspired by XDG Desktop Entry Specification .desktop files, which are in turn inspired by Microsoft Windows .ini files. Unit files are loaded from multiple locations (to see the full list, run systemctl show --property=UnitPath), but the main ones are (listed from lowest to highest precedence)

  • /usr/lib/systemd/system/: units provided by installed packages
  • /etc/systemd/system/: units installed by the system administrator
  • The load paths are completely different when running systemd in user mode.
  • systemd unit names may only contain ASCII alphanumeric characters, underscores and periods. All other characters must be replaced by C-style "\x2d" escapes, or employ their predefined semantics ('@', '-'). See systemd.unit(5) and systemd-escape(1) for more information.

Look at the units installed by your packages for examples, as well as systemd.service(5) § EXAMPLES.

Tip: Comments prepended with # may be used in unit-files as well, but only in new lines. Do not use end-line comments after systemd parameters or the unit will fail to activate.

systemd-analyze(1) can help verifying the work. See the systemd-analyze verify FILE... section of that page.

Handling dependencies

With systemd, dependencies can be resolved by designing the unit files correctly. The most typical case is when unit A requires unit B to be running before A is started. In that case add Requires=B and After=B to the [Unit] section of A. If the dependency is optional, add Wants=B and After=B instead. Note that Wants= and Requires= do not imply After=, meaning that if After= is not specified, the two units will be started in parallel.

Dependencies are typically placed on services and not on #Targets. For example, is pulled in by whatever service configures your network interfaces, therefore ordering your custom unit after it is sufficient since is started anyway.

Service types

There are several different start-up types to consider when writing a custom service file. This is set with the Type= parameter in the [Service] section

  • Type=simple (default): systemd considers the service to be started up immediately. The process must not fork. Do not use this type if other services need to be ordered on this service, unless it is socket activated.
  • Type=forking: systemd considers the service started up once the process forks and the parent has exited. For classic daemons, use this type unless you know that it is not necessary. You should specify PIDFile= as well so systemd can keep track of the main process.
  • Type=oneshot: this is useful for scripts that do a single job and then exit. You may want to set RemainAfterExit=yes as well so that systemd still considers the service as active after the process has exited. Setting RemainAfterExit=yes is appropriate for the units which change the system state (e.g., mount some partition). See also [1] for the differences of simple and oneshot.
  • Type=notify: identical to Type=simple, but with the stipulation that the daemon will send a signal to systemd when it is ready. The reference implementation for this notification is provided by
  • Type=dbus: the service is considered ready when the specified BusName appears on DBus's system bus.
  • Type=idle: systemd will delay execution of the service binary until all jobs are dispatched. Other than that behavior is very similar to Type=simple.

See the systemd.service(5) § OPTIONS man page for a more detailed explanation of the Type values.

Editing provided units

To avoid conflicts with pacman, unit files provided by packages should not be directly edited. There are two safe ways to modify a unit without touching the original file: create a new unit file which overrides the original unit or create drop-in snippets which are applied on top of the original unit. For both methods, you must reload the unit afterwards to apply your changes. This can be done either by editing the unit with systemctl edit (which reloads the unit automatically) or by reloading all units with

# systemctl daemon-reload
  • You can use systemd-delta to see which unit files have been overridden or extended and what exactly has been changed.
  • Use systemctl cat unit to view the content of a unit file and all associated drop-in snippets.

Replacement unit files

To replace the unit file /usr/lib/systemd/system/unit, create the file /etc/systemd/system/unit and reenable the unit to update the symlinks.

Alternatively, run

# systemctl edit --full unit

This opens /etc/systemd/system/unit in your editor (copying the installed version if it does not exist yet) and automatically reloads it when you finish editing.

Note: The replacement units will keep on being used even if Pacman updates the original units in the future. This method makes system maintenance more difficult and therefore the next approach is preferred.

Drop-in files

To create drop-in files for the unit file /usr/lib/systemd/system/unit, create the directory /etc/systemd/system/unit.d/ and place .conf files there to override or add new options. systemd will parse and apply these files on top of the original unit.

The easiest way to do this is to run

# systemctl edit unit --drop-in=drop_in_name

This opens the file /etc/systemd/system/unit.d/drop_in_name.conf in your text editor (creating it if necessary) and automatically reloads the unit when you are done editing. Omitting --drop-in= option will result in systemd using the default file name override.conf .

  • The key must be still placed in the appropriate section in the override file.
  • Not all keys can be overridden with drop-in files. For example, for changing Conflicts= a replacement file is necessary.
  • You can use top-level drop-in files to affect all units of the same type. For example, a drop-in file in /etc/systemd/system/service.d/ affects all .service units. You can see an example in #Notifying_about_failed_services

Revert to vendor version

To revert any changes to a unit made using systemctl edit do

# systemctl revert unit


For example, if you simply want to add an additional dependency to a unit, you may create the following file

Requires=new dependency
After=new dependency

As another example, in order to replace the ExecStart directive, create the following file

ExecStart=new command

Note how ExecStart must be cleared before being re-assigned [2]. The same holds for every item that can be specified multiple times, e.g. OnCalendar for timers.

One more example to automatically restart a service


Service logging levels

For services that send logs directly to journald or syslog, you can control their verbosity by setting a numeric value between 0 and 6 for the LogLevelMax= parameter in the [Service] section using the methods described above. For example


The standard log levels are identical to those used to filter the journal. Setting a lower number excludes all higher and less important log messages from your journal.

Suppressing a service's standard output

If a service is echoing stdout and/or stderr output, by default this will end up in the journal as well. This behavior can be suppressed by setting StandardOutput=null and/or StandardError=null in the [Service] section. Other values than null can be used to further tweak this behavior. See systemd.exec(5) § LOGGING_AND_STANDARD_INPUT/OUTPUT.


systemd uses targets to group units together via dependencies and as standardized synchronization points. They serve a similar purpose as runlevels but act a little differently. Each target is named instead of numbered and is intended to serve a specific purpose with the possibility of having multiple ones active at the same time. Some targets are implemented by inheriting all of the services of another target and adding additional services to it. There are systemd targets that mimic the common SystemVinit runlevels.

Get current targets

The following should be used under systemd instead of running runlevel

$ systemctl list-units --type=target

Create custom target

The runlevels that held a defined meaning under sysvinit (i.e., 0, 1, 3, 5, and 6); have a 1:1 mapping with a specific systemd target. Unfortunately, there is no good way to do the same for the user-defined runlevels like 2 and 4. If you make use of those it is suggested that you make a new named systemd target as /etc/systemd/system/your target that takes one of the existing runlevels as a base (you can look at /usr/lib/systemd/system/ as an example), make a directory /etc/systemd/system/your target.wants, and then symlink the additional services from /usr/lib/systemd/system/ that you wish to enable.

Mapping between SysV runlevels and systemd targets

SysV Runlevel systemd Target Notes
0 Halt the system.
1, s, single Single user mode.
2, 4 User-defined/Site-specific runlevels. By default, identical to 3.
3 Multi-user, non-graphical. Users can usually login via multiple consoles or via the network.
5 Multi-user, graphical. Usually has all the services of runlevel 3 plus a graphical login.
6 Reboot
emergency Emergency shell

Change current target

In systemd, targets are exposed via target units. You can change them like this

# systemctl isolate

This will only change the current target, and has no effect on the next boot. This is equivalent to commands such as telinit 3 or telinit 5 in Sysvinit.

Change default target to boot into

The standard target is, which is a symlink to This roughly corresponds to the old runlevel 5.

To verify the current target with systemctl

$ systemctl get-default

To change the default target to boot into, change the symlink. With systemctl

# systemctl set-default
Removed /etc/systemd/system/
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/

Alternatively, append one of the following kernel parameters to your boot loader

  • (which roughly corresponds to the old runlevel 3),
  • (which roughly corresponds to the old runlevel 1).

Default target order

systemd chooses the according to the following order

  1. Kernel parameter shown above
  2. Symlink of /etc/systemd/system/
  3. Symlink of /usr/lib/systemd/system/

systemd components

Some (not exhaustive) components of systemd are

systemd.mount - 挂载

systemd 负责挂载 /etc/fstab 中指定的分区和文件系统。systemd-fstab-generator(8)/etc/fstab 中的所有条目转换为 systemd 单元;这在启动时以及系统管理器配置重新加载时执行。

systemd 扩展了通常的 fstab 功能,并提供了额外的挂载选项。这些选项会影响挂载单元的依赖关系。例如,它们可以确保仅在网络启动后或仅在另一个分区挂载后才执行挂载。systemd 特定的完整挂载选项列表,通常以 x-systemd. 为前缀,详见 systemd.mount(5) § FSTAB

这些挂载选项的一个示例是自动挂载,这意味着仅在需要资源时才挂载,而不是在启动时自动挂载。这在 fstab#使用 systemd 自动挂载 中提供。

GPT 分区自动挂载

在 UEFI 启动的系统上,GPT 分区(如 roothomeswap 等)可以按照 可发现分区规范 自动挂载。因此,这些分区可以从 fstab 中省略,如果根分区是自动挂载的,则 root= 可以从内核命令行中省略。请参阅 systemd-gpt-auto-generator(8)


udev 将创建一个指向根卷块设备的 /dev/gpt-auto-root 符号链接。如果根分区使用 LUKS 加密,/dev/gpt-auto-root 将指向解锁/映射的卷,而 /dev/gpt-auto-root-luks 将指向加密的分区。

提示: 可以通过更改分区的 类型 GUID 或设置分区属性位 63“do not automount”来禁用分区的自动挂载,请参阅 gdisk#阻止 GPT 分区自动挂载

为了使 /var 自动挂载工作,PARTUUID 必须与由机器 ID 键控的分区类型 UUID 的 SHA256 HMAC 哈希匹配。所需的 PARTUUID 可以使用以下命令获得

$ systemd-id128 -u var-partition-uuid
注意: systemd-id128(1)/etc/machine-id 读取机器 ID,这使得在系统安装之前不可能知道所需的 PARTUUID。


systemd-sysvcompatbase 要求)的主要作用是提供传统的 linux init 二进制文件。对于 systemd 控制的系统,init 只是其 systemd 可执行文件的符号链接。

此外,它还提供了 SysVinit 用户可能习惯的四个便捷快捷方式。便捷快捷方式为 halt(8)poweroff(8)reboot(8)shutdown(8)。这四个命令中的每一个都是 systemctl 的符号链接,并受 systemd 行为的约束。因此,#电源管理 中的讨论适用。

systemd-based 系统可以通过使用 init= 启动参数(例如,参见 /bin/init is in systemd-sysvcompat ?)和 systemd 原生 systemctl 命令参数来放弃这些 System V 兼容性方法。

systemd-tmpfiles - 临时文件

systemd-tmpfiles 创建、删除和清理易失性和临时文件和目录。它读取 /etc/tmpfiles.d//usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/ 中的配置文件,以发现要执行的操作。前一个目录中的配置文件优先于后一个目录中的配置文件。

配置文件通常与服务文件一起提供,它们的命名风格为 /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/program.conf。例如,Samba 守护程序期望目录 /run/samba 存在并具有正确的权限。因此,samba 软件包附带此配置

D /run/samba 0755 root root

配置文件也可用于在启动时将值写入某些文件。例如,如果您使用 /etc/rc.local 通过 echo USBE > /proc/acpi/wakeup 禁用 USB 设备唤醒,则可以使用以下 tmpfile 代替

#    Path                  Mode UID  GID  Age Argument
w    /proc/acpi/wakeup     -    -    -    -   USBE

可以将多行写入同一文件,可以使用参数中的 \n 或在多行(包括第一行)上使用 w+ 类型进行追加

#    Path                  Mode UID  GID  Age Argument
w+   /proc/acpi/wakeup     -    -    -    -   USBE
w+   /proc/acpi/wakeup     -    -    -    -   LID0

有关详细信息,请参阅 systemd-tmpfiles(8)tmpfiles.d(5) 手册页。

注意: 此方法可能不适用于设置 /sys 中的选项,因为 systemd-tmpfiles-setup 服务可能在加载相应的设备模块之前运行。在这种情况下,您可以检查模块是否具有要使用 modinfo module 设置的选项的参数,并使用 /etc/modprobe.d 中的配置文件 设置此选项。否则,您将必须编写一个 udev 规则 以在设备出现时立即设置相应的属性。

Drop-in 配置文件


原因: 本页是关于 PID 1 (init) 的,并且已经提到了单元 drop-in。 Drop-in 是一个通用概念,加上其他 systemd 组件有其专门的 wiki 页面。因此,本节似乎不属于此处。(在 Talk:Systemd#YHNdnzj : conf.d / drop-in 代码段中的配置文件:位置不当? 中讨论)

不应直接编辑软件包提供的配置文件,以避免与 pacman 更新冲突。为此,许多(但不是全部)systemd 软件包提供了一种修改配置的方法,但无需通过创建 drop-in 代码段来触及原始文件。检查软件包手册以查看是否支持 drop-in 配置文件。

要为单元文件 /etc/systemd/unit.conf 创建 drop-in 配置文件,请创建目录 /etc/systemd/unit.conf.d/ 并将 .conf 文件放在此处以覆盖或添加新选项。 systemd 将解析这些文件并将它们应用在原始单元之上。


$ systemd-analyze cat-config systemd/unit.conf

应用的 drop-in 代码段文件和内容将列在末尾。 重启 服务以使更改生效。



某些软件包提供 .socket 单元。例如,cups 提供了一个 cups.socket 单元[3]。如果 cups.socket启用(并且 cups.service 保持禁用状态),systemd 将不会立即启动 CUPS;它只会监听相应的套接字。然后,每当程序尝试连接到这些 CUPS 套接字之一时,systemd 将启动 cups.service 并透明地将这些端口的控制权移交给 CUPS 进程。

GUI 配置工具

  • systemadmsystemd 单元的图形浏览器。它可以显示单元列表,可以按类型过滤。 || systemd-ui
  • SystemdGenie — 基于 KDE 技术的 systemd 管理实用程序。 || systemdgenie


要延迟服务直到网络启动后,请在 .service 文件中包含以下依赖项


还必须启用正在使用的 网络管理器 的网络等待服务,以便 正确反映网络状态。

  • 如果使用 NetworkManager,则应将 NetworkManager-wait-online.serviceNetworkManager.service 一起启用。使用 systemctl is-enabled NetworkManager-wait-online.service 检查是否是这种情况。如果未启用,则重新启用 NetworkManager.service
  • 对于 netctl启用 netctl-wait-online.service(除非您正在使用 netctl-auto;请参阅 FS#75836)。
  • 如果使用 systemd-networkd,则应将 systemd-networkd-wait-online.servicesystemd-networkd.service 一起启用。使用 systemctl is-enabled systemd-networkd-wait-online.service 检查是否是这种情况。如果未启用,则重新启用 systemd-networkd.service

有关更详细的说明,请参阅 网络配置同步点 中的讨论。

如果服务需要执行 DNS 查询,则还应将其排序在 之后


请参阅 systemd.special(7) § 特殊被动系统单元

为了使 产生任何效果,它需要一个通过 拉入它并在它之前用 排序的服务。通常,这是由本地 DNS 解析器 完成的。


$ systemctl list-dependencies --reverse



原因: 它如何与实例化的单元一起工作? (在 Talk:Systemd 中讨论)

Arch Linux 附带 /usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/99-default.preset,其中包含 disable *。这会导致 systemctl preset 默认禁用所有单元,这样当安装新软件包时,用户必须手动启用该单元。

如果不希望这样做,只需从 /etc/systemd/system-preset/99-default.preset 创建一个符号链接到 /dev/null,以便覆盖配置文件。这将导致 systemctl preset 启用所有已安装的单元(无论单元类型如何),除非在 systemctl preset 的配置目录中的另一个文件中指定。用户单元不受影响。有关更多信息,请参阅 systemd.preset(5)

注意: 默认启用所有单元可能会导致包含两个或多个互斥单元的软件包出现问题。 systemctl preset 旨在供发行版和衍生版或系统管理员使用。如果将启用两个冲突的单元,则应在预设配置文件中显式指定要禁用的单元,如 systemd.preset(5) 手册页中所述。


本文或本节是移动到 systemd/沙盒化 的候选对象。

注释: 该主题足够广泛,可以创建一个专门的页面。有关拟议草案,请参阅 User:NetSysFire/systemd sandboxing。(在 Talk:Security#systemd 单元强化和 system.conf 调整 中讨论)

可以创建一个单元文件作为沙箱,以在强化的虚拟环境中隔离应用程序及其进程。 systemd 利用 命名空间、允许/拒绝的 capabilities 列表和 控制组,通过广泛的执行环境配置来容器化进程— systemd.exec(5)

增强具有应用程序沙箱功能的现有 systemd 单元文件通常需要试错测试,并慷慨地使用 stracestderrjournalctl(1) 错误日志记录和输出工具。您可能需要首先搜索上游文档以查找已完成的测试,以作为试验的基础。要获得可能的强化选项的起点,请运行

$ systemd-analyze security unit

一些关于如何使用 systemd 部署沙箱的示例


为了通知有关服务失败,需要在相应的服务文件中添加 OnFailure= 指令,例如使用 drop-in 配置文件。可以使用顶级 drop-in 配置文件将此指令添加到每个服务单元。有关顶级 drop-in 的详细信息,请参阅 systemd.unit(5)

为服务创建顶级 drop-in


这将 OnFailure=failure-notification@%n.service 添加到每个服务文件。如果 some_service_unit 失败,将启动 failure-notification@some_service_unit.service 以处理通知传递(或配置为执行的任何任务)。

创建 failure-notification@.service 模板单元

Description=Send a notification about a failed systemd unit

ExecStart=/path/to/ %i
# runs as a temporary user/group and enables several other security precautions

您可以创建 脚本并定义要执行的操作或如何通知。示例包括发送电子邮件显示桌面通知、使用 gotify、XMPP 等。 %i 将是失败的服务单元的名称,并将作为参数传递给脚本。

为了防止在启动失败时再次一次又一次地启动 failure-notification@.service 实例的递归,请创建一个与顶级 drop-in 同名的空 drop-in 配置文件(空的 service-level drop-in 配置文件优先于顶级 drop-in 并覆盖后者)

# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/failure-notification@.service.d
# touch /etc/systemd/system/failure-notification@.service.d/toplevel-override.conf


您可以设置 systemd 在单元失败时发送电子邮件。如果作业输出到 stdout 或 stderr,Cron 会将邮件发送到 MAILTO,但许多作业设置为仅在出错时输出。首先,您需要两个文件:一个用于发送邮件的可执行文件和一个用于启动可执行文件的 .service 文件。对于此示例,可执行文件只是一个使用 sendmail 的 shell 脚本,该脚本位于提供 smtp-forwarder 的软件包中。


/usr/bin/sendmail -t <<ERRMAIL
To: $1
From: systemd <root@$HOSTNAME>
Subject: $2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

$(systemctl status --full "$2")

无论您使用什么可执行文件,它都可能应该至少接受两个参数,就像这个 shell 脚本一样:要发送到的地址和要获取状态的单元文件。我们创建的 .service 将传递这些参数

Description=status email for %i to user

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/systemd-email address %i

其中 user 是被电子邮件的用户,address 是该用户的电子邮件地址。虽然收件人是硬编码的,但要报告的单元文件作为实例参数传递,因此这项服务可以为许多其他单元发送电子邮件。此时,您可以 启动 status_email_user@dbus.service 以验证您是否可以收到电子邮件。

然后只需编辑您想要接收电子邮件的服务,并将 OnFailure=status_email_user@%n.service 添加到 [Unit] 部分。 %n 将单元的名称传递给模板。

  • 如果您按照 sSMTP#安全 设置了 sSMTP 安全性,则用户 nobody 将无权访问 /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf,并且 systemctl start status_email_user@dbus.service 命令将失败。一种解决方案是在 status_email_user@.service 单元中使用 root 作为 User。
  • 如果您尝试在电子邮件脚本中使用 mail -s somelogs addressmail 将 fork,并且当 systemd 看到您的脚本退出时,它将杀死 mail 进程。通过执行 mail -Ssendwait -s somelogs address 使邮件不 fork。
提示: 较新版本的 systemd 建议使用 DynamicUser=true 作为 User=nobody 的替代品,现在不鼓励使用 User=nobody。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 GitHub issue 428

在关机时自动关闭外部 HDD

请参阅 udisks#在关机时自动关闭外部 HDD



要查找未能启动的 systemd 服务

$ systemctl --state=failed

要找出它们失败的原因,请检查它们的日志输出。有关详细信息,请参阅 systemd/Journal#过滤输出


systemd 具有用于诊断启动过程问题的几个选项。有关更通用的说明和在 systemd 接管启动过程之前捕获启动消息的选项,请参阅 启动调试。另请参阅 systemd 调试文档


如果某些 systemd 服务行为异常,或者您想获得有关正在发生的事情的更多信息,请将 SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL 环境变量 设置为 debug。例如,要在调试模式下运行 systemd-networkd 守护程序

为服务添加一个 drop-in 文件,添加以下两行



# SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug /lib/systemd/systemd-networkd

然后重启 systemd-networkd 并使用 -f/--follow 选项监视服务的日志。


如果关机过程花费很长时间(或似乎冻结),则很可能是某个服务未退出造成的。 systemd 会等待一段时间让每个服务退出,然后再尝试杀死它。要找出您是否受到影响,请参阅 systemd 文档中的 关机最终完成


# systemctl poweroff
Failed to power off system via logind: There's already a shutdown or sleep operation in progress
# systemctl list-jobs
  JOB UNIT                    TYPE  STATE  
21593 systemd-suspend.service start running
21592          start waiting

解决方案 是通过运行以下命令取消这些作业

# systemctl cancel
# systemctl stop systemd-suspend.service



如果以 root 身份运行 journalctl -u foounit 没有显示任何短时服务的输出,请查看 PID。例如,如果 systemd-modules-load.service 失败,并且 systemctl status systemd-modules-load 显示它作为 PID 123 运行,那么您可能能够在日志中看到该 PID 的输出,即以 root 身份运行 journalctl -b _PID=123。日志的元数据字段(如 _SYSTEMD_UNIT_COMM)是异步收集的,并且依赖于 /proc 目录来查找进程是否存在。修复此问题需要修复内核以通过套接字连接提供此数据,类似于 SCM_CREDENTIALS。简而言之,这是一个 错误。请记住,根据 systemd 的设计,立即失败的服务可能不会向日志输出任何内容。



原因: NetworkManager 问题不是 systemd 的错误,所谓的报告缺失。缓慢的 systemctl statusjournalctl 不会影响启动时间。(在 Talk:Systemd 中讨论)

在使用 systemd-analyze 后,许多用户注意到他们的启动时间与以前相比显着增加。在使用 systemd-analyze blame 后,NetworkManager 被报告为花费异常长的时间才能启动。

一些用户的问题是由于 /var/log/journal 变得太大。这可能会对性能产生其他影响,例如 systemctl statusjournalctl。因此,解决方案是删除文件夹中的每个文件(理想情况下,至少暂时备份到某个地方),然后按照 Systemd/Journal#日志大小限制 中所述设置日志文件大小限制。

systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service 启动时失败

systemd 219 开始,/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/systemd.conf/var/log/journal 下的目录指定 ACL 属性,因此,需要为日志所在的文件系统启用 ACL 支持。

有关如何在托管 /var/log/journal 的文件系统上启用 ACL 的说明,请参阅 访问控制列表#启用 ACL


您可能希望禁用远程计算机上的紧急模式,例如,Azure 或 Google Cloud 上托管的虚拟机。这是因为如果触发紧急模式,计算机将无法连接到网络。


错误“Unit xxx.service not found”,但服务确实存在

您可能正在尝试将用户单元作为系统单元启动或启用。 systemd.unit(5) 指示哪些单元位于何处。默认情况下,systemctl 对系统服务进行操作。

有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Systemd/User
